Communications, Project Planning & Management, Organization, Partnering & Team Building.
• Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
• Working and Taking Action over comprehensive documentation.
• Collaboration over contract negotiation.
• Responding to change over following a plan.
• The team over positional hierarchy.
Venturing into a professional Architectural area such as Project Management is a career choice that requires commitment, responsibility, leadership skills and an enthusiastic pursuit of never-ending improvement.
An Owners Representative specializing in Architectural Project Management, Partnering and Design Solutions. His focus is on providing clients with sustainable turn-key solutions to achieve their overall Goals and Objectives.
A Project Management professional with more than 27 years of practical experience in the Architectural/Engineering and Construction arena, whose focus has been as Owners Representative. His experience offers him a unique and an essential overall view needed for multi-disciplinary leadership.
As a former CSI member, he has extensive knowledge of contractual organizational structures and covenants and how to choose, incorporate and execute them.
Experienced in a diverse group of project types that includes; Massachusetts public work projects, Department of Capital Planning and Operations (such as MGL chapter 149 requiring sub-bids), the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, institutional projects & programs, healthcare facilities, commercial, retail design. He also has the skills to navigate the idiosyncratic variables found amongst the several branches of the United States Military.
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Access, Evernote, SketchUp Pro 2017, Layout 2017, Revit 2007, AutoCAD2007, Construction Criteria Base System (CCB) & Specsintact and QuickBooks, a Volunteers as a Firefighter & Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).